Who we are: Sustainability Manifesto

"The Running Republic was born to provide an option to all runners and athletes looking for an outstanding hyper-technical apparel and made with sustainable and ethical criteria".
We want to change the World
Clear and simple: The Running Republic wants to change the World, this is why to us sustainability is not a trend but our purpose and our reason to exist.
Our DNA is sustainable
Recycled fabrics from plastic bottles and plastic garbage from the Oceans.
Ethical Production in local industries and certified factories.
The smallest carbon footprint possible.
100% of our products are made with recycled materials.
84% is the average recycled material present in our fabrics.
We break paradigms
We only produce our fabrics and our garments in the best local factories ensuring traceability, ensuring that human rights and fair salaries are fulfilled.
We encourage participation
We encourage our customers to participate in the creation of our products. We empower them to decide what we produce and use their creativity to help us create their dream products.
We are not a fast fashion brand and we do not want our customers to purchase clothes on a whim. We believe that every piece you buy should be a long-term commitment and have a value to you.
This is why our garments are designed with the help of our customers, the ambassadors of our brand.
We believe in quality as value of sustainability
We produce only top quality running garments, made with the best finishes and the most technical fabrics on the market, of course made of recycled materials.
Because there is nothing more sustainable than falling in love with a garment
and bring it to our adventures until its end of life.
We chose to take a different path.
Wearing The Running Republic is choosing a different path in which the Planet and its people matter,
Proving that a different World, more open, more participatory and more fair is possible.
Vegan Sports and Running apparel Brand

The Running Republic is now Peta approved Vegan.
We believe that a better relationship between human beings and Nature is possible.
This is why we don’t use any product, material or components like dyes or glues coming from any kind of living being.
Because animals are not ours to wear or to be used in human’s production processes.
If you buy a running garment from The Running Republic you can wear it proud for a lot of reasons and one of them is because no animal has been used, abused or killed to produce it.
We stand with Nature. Help us to spread the word.
The Running Republic Team
One Product – One tree

We leave the smallest possible carbon footprint.
We support local industries and environmental causes, because reducing our carbon footprint involves reducing CO2 emissions during all production and logistics processes and helping the reforestation of our Planet

We are partners of the Belgian NGO WEFOREST and actively participate to the Amhara reforestation project in Ethiopia to make local populations able to develop their community and the agricultural activities that allow them to live, grow and extend reforestation work.

For every product we sell a tree is planted in Ethiopia.
In the Machakel Wereda in Ethiopia, the local community is at the heart of WeForest restoration project, by planting indigenous trees on community land, gullies, riverbanks and farmland, and planting fruit and timber trees on farms.
Training is an important aspect of this project, where in the innovative "train the trainer model" locals are trained with the intention of providing further training to more individuals in the surrounding villages. This way, the entire community will have the capacity to take the future of their forests into their own hands.
The main goals of Amhara Project in Ethiopia are to restore native forest, restore degraded lands, promote economic development and increase food security.
Because the Legacy we leave behind depends on every action we take…