Colaboraciones por un mundo mejor

Creemos en un Mundo mejor y parte de este propósito se basa en trabajar co-brandings con las mejores marcas de sostenibilidad y deportivas.

Aquí tienes los mejores co-brandings sostenibles. ¡Disfrutar!

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Sustainable co-branding

As a company, we believe we can't change the world on our own. This is why throughout our history we have created very good relationships with brands committed to real change in the consumer industry and it is through the support of sustainable projects such as The Running Republic.

Our commitment is strong and clear and many brands want to unite and take this big step in improving our environment through concrete and solid actions regarding climate change and the over-exploitation of our natural resources.

We remain open to listening to new ideas and proposals to continue working and delivering the best technical running garment and 100% sustainable with recycled material directly from our oceans.

Sustainable brands

Brands that have a sustainability goal in mind will always be our first allies and together with them we believe we can grow and get our message to more people.

Brands like Heura, who are changing the food industry with high-quality vegan products and with very powerful actions throughout Europe, and on the other hand, Zurich, the most successful and prestigious insurance company in the world, have also decided to collaborate with The Running Republic creating exclusive t-shirts for their marathons.

Therefore, if you are a brand that would like to have 100% sustainable t-shirts made of recycled plastic from the ocean for your employees or if you want to collaborate with us in another way, send us an email to

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